Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 15 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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11 00000000000000 10 l$(z)=" " 9 h$(z)=" " 7 w$(z)=" " 7 c$(z)=" " 7 ;"START THE TAPE": 6 w$(z)="25": 6 t$(z)=" " 6 code 6 a$(i+l)=" " 5 f$(z)=" " 5 c$(z)=" 0": 5 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 4 v$="2345": 4 n(z)=n(z)+1 4 f$(z)="25": 4 a$(i+l)=" "+ 4 ;"press 'R' to read again": 4 ;"press 'L' to load next" 4 "END ADDRESS ";A2: 3 w$(z)=" 0": 3 t$(z)=" 0": 3 l$(z)=" 0": 3 h$(z)=" 0": 3 f$(z)=" 0": 3 T(z)=T(z)+ 3 8800000000000000 2 z$=z$+"tail. And so it continues. The graphics are okay and theaction fast. It just left mewith a feeling that I'd playedmost of these screens before butthe names had been changed toprotect the guilty. No doubt itwill sell well given the hype.What also nags me is the plots abit off and gamewise more than alittle forced." 2 z$="the next screen with what youhave. The next problem is that youhave to get into a totallydifferent set of controls forthe Zaxxon style run into thesilos. I had already junked mostof the fighters in the hangar sothis didn't last long when theheat seeking missiles got on my" 2 y$=y$+"based defence system launchesfighters to take out the enemysilo sites and if successfulland commando forces in Moscowto blow up the main centre.First problem is actualy gettingthe fighters out of the hanger.Its not easy to get the hang ofthe best approach path to theexit. Once thats done for oneeither go back for more or onto" 2 y$="This basically consists of 5interlinked and different games.With a moraly dubious viewpoint!Being toe to toe with theRusskis as they try to wipe outNorth America. And why not?Nothing really new here in thescreens you have to go through.And they don't follow throughall that well. The idea is that your space" 2 t$(z)="25": 2 e$,g$,b$,m$ 2 c$(z)="30": 2 a$(i+l)=" 0": 2 This basically consists of 5interlinked and different games.With a moraly dubious viewpoint!Being toe to toe with theRusskis as they try to wipe outNorth America. And why not?Nothing really new here in thescreens you have to go through.And they don't follow throughall that well. The idea is that your spacebased defence system launchesfighters to take out the enemysilo sites and if successfulland commando forces in Moscowto blow up the main centre.First problem is actualy gettingthe fighters out of the hanger.Its not easy to get the hang ofthe best approach path to theexit. Once thats done for oneeither go back for more or ontoZ 2 DATACODE O 2 A$:NEXT N"'': 2 ;"____________" 2 ;" ";T(i) 2 ,l: m=2 m: 2 "START ADDRESS ";A1: 2 "START ";A1: 2 "DATACODE" 2 "DATA STATEMENT CREATOR"''"THIS PROGRAM WILL TURN A BLOCK"'"OF MEMORY INTO DATA STATEMENTS"'"READY TO POKE IN IN A FOR NEXT"'"LOOP."'"TO CONSERVE SPACE THE DATA IS"'"STORED AS STRINGS."'"TO POKE BACK INTO MEMORY USE A"'"LINE..."'"FOR N=<START> TO <END>:READ A$:POKE N, 2 1 ~O:(kwy2(k 1 }(}*S\V#^#N#F# 1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 1 z$=z$+"times. It would have been usefulto have added another level ontop. So you would say command asquadron of Nimrods and someships too. Then one would haveto coordinate attacks and givethe sub something to do, liketrying to sink a frigate. Anexcellent simulation but it justlacks an opponent that has someteeth and uses them." 1 z$=z$+"there are some treasure chestsscattered around for you to lootif you want. This game is not going to taxanyone too much and some fun canbe had by trying out variouscombinations of units. Catapultscan be deadly to your own sidewhen used at short range sowatch out. I enjoyed this morethan a lot of serious games." 1 z$="the army. Which then staggersaround getting in the way. Boats are useful foramphibious attacks while thefjord is not frozen. As thefjord freezes over boats get icebound, but you can still shelland sink them with thecatapults. Gold is used to fund allthese warlike activities and" 1 z$="navigator of the plane you alsohave to fly it. But this usuallyconsists of going low and slowonce near the target. Depthcharges are used to prosecutethe attack and you have to setthe right depth quickly. Although this is obviouslywritten by someone who knows allabout the subject it gets a bittoo easy once played 4 or 5" 1 z$(i)=p$(i) 1 y(g)=y(g)+g 1 y$=y$+"triangulate the sub once themagnetic anomaly detector hasgiven you the general area. Themain display can be varied forscale which is a good touch asyou refine your plot and zoom infor the kill. Although you are the tactical" 1 y$=y$+" Moving is simple, just give adirection and the unit zooms offuntil it can't go any further.Or you can try and be clever andspecify a direction and distance. Mainly to avoid wandering intoa drinking horn, hit one ofthese and you lose control of" 1 y$="This is an amusingly silly gameone to be played after a hardsession with Starion or anotherbrain numbing exercise. Its onlya wargame on the merest ofexcuses. You can have upto 4players either human or computer. The object is to take out theothers castle whilst keepingyours. Apart from the novelty ofViking castles you also havecatapults and longboats to aidyou. Plus of course hordes ofVikings " 1 y$="Okay so you have this Nimrodequipped with the latest in subhunting gear and you have totrack the sub then sink it.Seems easy to me. However as theSpectrum doesn't quite match upto the Marconi AQS-901 in thereal plane you have to do somequick thinking all on your own. The display is familiar tothose who have Fighter Pilot etal. Added extras are thedetection systems you have to dothe job. Sonobouys allow you to" 1 xxxyqqqwNOOO 1 xxxxxxxGOO 1 x$=" Raid Over Moscow U.S. Gold 48k press any key to read review" 1 x$=" Viking Raiders Firebird 48k press any key to read review" 1 x$=" GLASS Quicksilva 48k A preview press any key to read" 1 x$=" Sub Hunter Micro Mart Software 48k press any key to read review" 1 vikings U 1 v(i)=v(i+1 1 v(i)<v(i+1 1 v(i)-v(i+2 1 v$="1345": 1 v$="1245": 1 v$="1235": 1 v$="1234": 1 the next screen with what youhave. The next problem is that youhave to get into a totallydifferent set of controls forthe Zaxxon style run into thesilos. I had already junked mostof the fighters in the hangar sothis didn't last long when theheat seeking missiles got on mytail. And so it continues. The graphics are okay and theaction fast. It just left mewith a feeling that I'd playedmost of these screens before butthe names had been changed toprotect the guilty. No doubt itwill sell well given the hype.What also nags me is the plots abit off and gamewise more than alittle forced.* 1 the next screen with what youhave. The next problem is that youhave to get into a totallydifferent set of controls forthe Zaxxon style run into thesilos. I had already junked mostof the fighters in the hangar sothis didn't last long when theheat seeking missiles got on mytail. And so it continues. The graphics are okay and theaction fast. It just left mewith a feeling that I'd playedmost of these screens before butthe names had been changed toprotect the guilty. No doubt itwill sell well given the hype.What also nags me is the plots abit off and gamewise more than alittle forced. 1 the army. Which then staggersaround getting in the way. Boats are useful foramphibious attacks while thefjord is not frozen. As thefjord freezes over boats get icebound, but you can still shelland sink them with thecatapults. Gold is used to fund allthese warlike activities andthere are some treasure chestsscattered around for you to lootif you want. This game is not going to taxanyone too much and some fun canbe had by trying out variouscombinations of units. Catapultscan be deadly to your own sidewhen used at short range sowatch out. I enjoyed this morethan a lot of serious games. 1 subhunt H 1 reviews f 1 q$(z)="25": 1 q$(z)=" 0" 1 puzzle 1 pentzy P 1 pentzy 1 navigator of the plane you alsohave to fly it. But this usuallyconsists of going low and slowonce near the target. Depthcharges are used to prosecutethe attack and you have to setthe right depth quickly. Although this is obviouslywritten by someone who knows allabout the subject it gets a bittoo easy once played 4 or 5times. It would have been usefulto have added another level ontop. So you would say command asquadron of Nimrods and someships too. Then one would haveto coordinate attacks and givethe sub something to do, liketrying to sink a frigate. Anexcellent simulation but it justlacks an opponent that has someteeth and uses them. 1 moscow 1 mcg 1 m(z)=m(z)+1 1 m(z)=m(z)+ 1 m(z)+d(j)<63 1 i%UUUUUUUUd 1 h$(z)-vi<6 1 glass E 1 followed by direction key 1 datamaker 1 d48 g 1 d16 g 1 d(i)<d(i+1 1 d$="12345": 1 d$="12345" 1 code ! 1 a$(l+g)=" "+ 1 ______________ 1 Welcome to the 1 WELL would you like to choose aDONE different picture [Y/N]? 1 This is an amusingly silly gameone to be played after a hardsession with Starion or anotherbrain numbing exercise. Its onlya wargame on the merest ofexcuses. You can have upto 4players either human or computer. The object is to take out theothers castle whilst keepingyours. Apart from the novelty ofViking castles you also havecatapults and longboats to aidyou. Plus of course hordes ofVikings Moving is simple, just give adirection and the unit zooms offuntil it can't go any further.Or you can try and be clever andspecify a direction and distance. Mainly to avoid wandering intoa drinking horn, hit one ofthese and you lose control ofZ 1 TWO ",a$(l+2 1 TO MOVE Input line letter 1 THREE ",a$(l+3 1 T(j)<T(j+1 1 STOP THE TAPE! 1 SIX ",a$(l+6 1 SCRAMBLE SELECTED 1 S=Scramble X=Help Z=Quit 1 QUIT SELECTED 1 Please select picture: 1 Please confirm (Y/N)? 1 Picture Puzzle 1 Okay so you have this Nimrodequipped with the latest in subhunting gear and you have totrack the sub then sink it.Seems easy to me. However as theSpectrum doesn't quite match upto the Marconi AQS-901 in thereal plane you have to do somequick thinking all on your own. The display is familiar tothose who have Fighter Pilot etal. Added extras are thedetection systems you have to dothe job. Sonobouys allow you totriangulate the sub once themagnetic anomaly detector hasgiven you the general area. Themain display can be varied forscale which is a good touch asyou refine your plot and zoom infor the kill. Although you are the tacticalZ 1 ONE ",a$(l+1 1 LrL2L2L2L2LrO 1 L2L2L2L2M2L 1 L2L2L2L2L2L2O 1 L2L2L2L2L2@ 1 INPUT SKILL LEVEL REQD.(1-4) 1 Have a good look at the picture then press 'S' to SCRAMBLE and START the game. 1 GFFFFFwwFFOHHHOOOO 1 FOUR ",a$(l+4 1 FIVE ",a$(l+5 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BONUS ",q$(z)," 1 BOB 6ROY 5 1 =X-2X)=X-256 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE": 1 ;"PENTZY"; 1 ;"PENTZY BY P.A.ERENTZ"; 1 ;"Number of players? "; 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN"'' 1 ;"FINAL SCORES" 1 ;"FINAL ORDER" 1 ;"1. Select picture"''" 2. Choose the skill level"'" (1=easy - 4=difficult)"''" 3. The picture is jumbled"'" and you are left to try"'" and straighten it out!"'' 1 ;" Do you want the Spectrum to "'" play for player ";i;"? "; 1 ;" Written by J.Elvery 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY ": 1 ;" AND THE BEST OF LUCK!" 1 ;" " 1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888DO YOU WISH TO: 'A'-Play again 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888" 1 888888/////88888888888888888888888///////////////////////////88888//,,,(((((((((((((((((((,,,888888888/////8888888888/////<<<888888888/////8888888888/////<<8888888888/////8888888888/////888888888888/////8888888888/////888888888898/////8888888888/////888888888////////8888888888/////888888888////////8888888888////////888888////////:888888888////////888888////////8888888888////////888888////(;888888888888888/////888888/////8888888888888888/////888888/////;;;8888888888888/////888888/////;;;888***((((((////////888***(((+++((((((((((***///////888////////////////:88::://///888888/////::88888888888:::88888888zzz 1 5UUUUUUUUUUUUUU\ 1 3. FAMOUS FACES 1 2222222gOOOOO 1 2222222gLOOOOOO 1 222222222gxxxxOO 1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222000000000000000002222222222222222222222222222222222222222200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222200000000000000000222222222222222000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222222222222:::::::9999999999999999999999999::::::99999999999999999999999999::::9999999999999999999999999999::::::::999999999999999999999999::::9999999999999999999999999999::::9999999999999999999999999999::::::99999999999999999999999999::::::999999999999999999999999998888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888< 1 2. MAP OF THE WORLD 1 111111111111111111 1 1. HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT 1 -.6444444.-- 1 --.446..4.-$ 1 ---....///((((**********.......////-++**********........///++ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 --*--**----**----.....--** 1 *S\V#^#N#F# 1 *--..44446.-- 1 **********.........((++***********........(((++***********.......(((++++**********.......(((+++++*****((((-----.....++++++****....(((((....--+++((((......-----...---+++----......+++++.....----------....++++-...-(((((((.--+++++ 1 (Alter SKILL level if you wish) 1 'B'-Stop playing 1 ''''''''''''''/6&&'/''''''''166666666666666666666661111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111>02 1 '''''&"""""&&$$$$$$$$$&&'$$$'$$"""$$$$'''''''''&'&&$''''' 1 %UUUUUUUUd 1 $$&&&&""&&$$ 1 "datamaker" 1 "choose version" 1 "____________";: 1 "Where do you want to score?"; 1 "The next program can be loaded for 16 or 48k machines. Please specify which version you want to load 0=16 1=48 When you have finished switch off/on the Spectrum and type 'LOAD""pentzy""' to continue" 1 "ICTURE PUZZL";: 1 "Another game with the same players (y/n)?"; 1 "3rd throw,which dice?"; 1 "2nd throw,which dice?"; 1 " Enter player's name please (10 letters maximum)"; 1 P.Erentz 1984 1 TOTAL V 1 TOTAL " 1 STRAIGHT ",t$(z) 1 QUADZY ",w$(z) 1 PENTZY ",c$(z) 1 LOW ",l$(z) 1 HIGH ",h$(z) 1 FULL ",f$(z) 1 Raid Over Moscow U.S. Gold 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 Viking Raiders Firebird 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 GLASS Quicksilva 48k A preview press any key to readY 1 Sub Hunter Micro Mart Software 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 6 1 K 1